The month of October is fast disappearing in a cloud of insane, chaotic energy. This month’s energy boost has created havoc in many lives as people are being seriously motivated to move to new homes, to look for new types of work, begin wondering about relationship changes, etc. These urges for change are part of the ascension energies, which have pushed us further into the 5th dimensional lives that we are creating. We are adding more and more details now.
Old emotional issues and occasionally nasty memories are also still coming up from deep within, due this energy. In addition to the intense ascension energy hitting us, the current astrology is starting to push us hard. Pluto, the planet of transformation, is about to conjunct Saturn, the ‘disciplinarian’. When they come within 10 degrees of each other in January 2020, the fun really starts . . . but we are already feeling the effects. Hold onto your hats!!
More and more people are also finding themselves switching timelines right now – or actually finding themselves waking up to the fact that their lives have somehow changed significantly.
In my own case, a year ago I moved into a new apartment that was a distinct upgrade from the old, even though less expensive. Then a few months after settling in, I began the serious study of Qi Men Dun Jia, the Chinese metaphysical art of forecasting, timing and oracle. Pretty surprised but I see this as my new timeline – a new path, along with new surroundings that will help create a new type of work that fits in beautifully with LifeWeaving.
Just remember, we are choosing what belongs in the new worlds we are forming. Select what you want, change what doesn’t fit, and leave a generous amount of the old behind. Create the life you are intended to have.
And lastly, remember the word ‘no.’ Give yourself time to do YOU!
R E A D Y ?
S E T ?
Great ayni!
I recognize the forecasting and timing in your teaching recently. You have sensed my needs even when I do not explain them well.
Not sure what oracle refers to in practice.
I will look it up.
Oh! Oracle predicts and speaks to the future?
Yes I see that too.