
Minerals are widely used by the body and are critically important to keep your body running smoothly. Mineral deficiencies in the system are linked to the health conditions such as low immunity and resistance, osteoporosis, diabetes, hypertension, mental diseases, nervousness, depression, anxiety, learning disability, anorexia, insomnia, fatigue and exhaustion, headaches, anemia and also skin and hair problems. Minerals are also depleted from the body when taking drugs for cancer, laxatives, antacids, diuretics and antibiotics.

The two types of minerals we use in the body are

  1. Macrominerals: needed in larger amounts. Include Calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride and sulfur.
  2. Trace minerals: only small amounts needed. Include iron, manganese, copper, iodine, zinc, cobalt, fluoride and selenium.

The best way to get the minerals that your body needs is by eating a wide variety of foods, although in some cases, your practitioner may recommend additional mineral supplement.



  • Minerals must be bioavailable (usable by the body) to be effective. The best types are found naturally in foods because to be used effectively by the body, they must also contain protein ‘chaperones’ and other food factors needed for absorption into the cells. This was proven by Nobel Prize winner Guenter Blobel in 1999. Therefore, isolated inorganic mineral salts and chelates are less effective.
  • Minerals must also be taken in specific combinations and ratios to be effective which is why food sources are best. If you take a massive dose of a trace mineral, but do not take the right amounts of the matching mineral, the body’s biochemistry is upset. The body will then search itself for that needed mineral, pulling it out of that source and leaving an imbalance there. (This brings up my question whether a need for calcium can cause the body to pull it out of the bones, thus contributing to osteoporosis?)  

So food is the best source to get your needed mineral supplementation. However, the vitamin/mineral content in the food depends on the soil it is grown in. So, yes, we often need to use supplements.



Chelated minerals are generally crushed industrial rocks that are chemically altered with one or more acids and attached to amino acids. Examples of this process are ascorbates, picolinates, aspartates, glycinates, and chelates.

Colloidol minerals are small mineral particles but they are not chelated which is needed for absorption and utilization in the body. Colloidal mineral forms are more easily dispersed in the body; however, this does not improve their absorption. In fact, it is necessary for the body to break these minerals down into smaller constituents in order for them to be absorbed.

Ionized minerals have a positive or negative charge. They are dissolved in water and are more easily absorbed into our blood stream and body cells since those are smaller particles that that of colloids.

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