Ok friends, I am officially back!
The past few months have flown by but left their mark what with the COVID regulations, stay at home orders, shifting ascension energies, etc. Here in the USA, the infection rates are down, immunization rates fairly high, so we are beginning to settle into a new pattern with more freedom again.
What we still have are health and emotional issues, stress of going back to work or finding a job, restlessness, news/truth confusion, the summer heat here in our part of the world, perhaps listening to screaming cicadas (I’m originally from Ohio and still remember when emergences occurred when I lived there). All this and more are causing June to be a heavy duty month. So here are some suggestions:
- Take some time this month (and next) to regroup.
- Lots of self-love, self-care. Pay more attention to improving your health with exercise, stress relief, etc.
- Practice neutrality and follow your heart.
- Do some spring cleaning – including getting rid of the old, broken, unloved things in your life.
- Look at what kind of life you want to create now for yourself.
During the remainder of this year, you have the opportunity to clear and align your life in the best possible way so 2022 emerges with clarity and commitment, with a plan in place for you to excel. You will be able to hit the new year running without looking back if you start making changes now as post-pandemic life begins to emerge.
Act now!!
As part of the life and business renewal, I am making some changes and trying to revamp by simplifying and reorganizing. My blogs lead the way. I have combined the Ayni Alchemy and Ayni LifeWeaving blogs into “From the Desk of …”. Also, the LifeWeaving Dowsing FaceBook page will be more active for those wanting to share, question, or just have fun with LifeWeaving.
AT LAST!!! A NEW ONLINE CLASS: Steps to Learning LifeWeaving Dowsing
After a crazy month and a half of classwork learning how to create an online class, and an additional seven years of thinking about doing it, I am proud to announce the finished product – Steps to Learning LifeWeaving Dowsing. This beta-version is ready for its trial run with a few adventurous students. This is a beginning level LifeWeaving course especially designed to teach how to navigate the charts easily. However, I do not recommend the class for the beginning dowser as the charts are pretty complex.
Check it out at https://caroleconlon.thinkific.com/
Now that I have ‘mastered’ (and I use that term loosely) a multitude of new software, learned to video, know the pitfalls of doing green screen work, hit the delete button by accident too many times, I am more prepared for the new times we are now entering. The Chinese call it ‘Period 9’, Westerners see it as the age of Aquarius, metaphysical types call it ascension. What is evident by any name, is that life has changed from how we knew it 1 ½ years ago.
As part of this new time, I have started the LifeWeaving and Metaphysics Academy at Thinkific. Through this school I will offer an advanced version of LifeWeaving course including some live sessions. In addition, I will be offering other classes with tidbits of metaphysical information to help you through this tough ascension process.
I am continuing to study Chinese Metaphysics as well. In those studies, I have learned that in Qi Men (forecasting and strategy), my ‘Guardian Deity’ is the Great Moon, the smartest of all the deities. Its nature is all about knowing things, helping others understand complexity. This description fits me completely as all my adult life I have been curating information, especially about health and metaphysics. Now, to fulfill the destiny of the Great Moon, it is my job to pass that information along to anyone interested. The LifeWeaving and Metaphysics Academy will allow just that. So come back often to sample what is offered.
There will be more changes coming . . . stay tuned.
I will do ‘my thing’ and advise you to take action in your own life.
I’m happy to be back! Great ayni!!
Carole Conlon
Pictures: Pixabay and Carole Conlon
Thank you, Carole!