December and all its extra craziness have arrived full force, bringing a big change of pace and different energy. This new energy is all about 'faith in a future' - knowing that the world we are in is changing and there is no going back to the "good old days." Of course there is the bigger question if there will be a world to live in the way things are going.

As you read this, you may find yourself

  • losing friends and family
  • packing up to relocate
  • unhappy with your current work
  • confused about what you want for your future
  • hurting all over for no good reason
  • releasing a lot of crazy emotions
  • immobilized by world and/or political events

BUT THERE ALSO MAY BE awesome moments of distinct clarity if you are open and already starting to focus on your 5th dimensional future.

Help yourself by using some time during December to concentrate on upgrading areas of your life  such as prosperity, family, career, relationships, health, creativity, knowledge, fame or helping others. Those upgrades include clearing the old (the clutter, the broken, the no longer relevant) and reorganizing and fortifying what supports you (clothes that fit, dreams of a different life, better discipline).

Towards the end of the month also take a few minutes to look at and honor your accomplishments in those same life areas during 2017.

The coming year will bring more change, more growth, more destruction of the 3rd dimensional world and it's institutions. Keep the faith that eventually a rebuilding will begin. Your job for now is to hold your own space, keep upgrading and building your own true 5th dimensional life.

Have a beautiful ayni end of year.



If you live near Albuquerque, you are invited to join me for an end of year ceremony on Saturday, December 30 at Sacred Journeys Wellness (1919 San Mateo NE, ABQ) 1 - 3:30 P.M., where we will ceremonially let go of the old year and welcome in the new. Cost is $13. Call 505.255.3388 and let us know if you plan on coming. You can download the information here.

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