The Month to Re-Whatever Needs It



The theme of CHANGE continues to dominate our world this month of August. Does this sound familiar?

Essentially CHANGE is the major task for us this entire year as ascension energies keep increasing in intensity. The primary difference between the months are other factors that add in their special effects that can either hinder or aid ease of movement. These include planetary alignments, solar wind and flares, eclipses, your personal astrology, collective energy, and more.

This month we have open portals and intense light being downloaded into us and this light is causing deep patterns and thoughts to surface, no longer hiding in the dark. More and more of those deep emotional blocks and past fears are rising to the surface to finally be dealt with. It is important to notice what is coming up and face it – let it go or transform the energy by changing your reaction.

soul family flower

We often spend many lifetimes trying to clean out these old issues – mainly by spending time in everyone’s shoes. Think of life as a play. Your soul family first gets the directive to study a general topic, then sends different ‘plays’ to the various flame families to explore specific parts of that topic. Your flame group of 18 souls next acts out the play. In the next lifetime, and for many lifetimes after that, the flame family members switch roles to learn about each aspect of the topic. For example, if the general topic is death, your flame family might get a play entitled “Death by Murder”.  So over many lifetimes you play the role of murderer, victim, witness, detective, family member, jury member, etc. until you understand every single aspect of that topic from all angles.

Naturally during the course of playing all those roles, we can build up hard feelings that eventually become deep emotional blocks with other flame family members in the play with us. Remember that forgiveness and apology go a long way to cover any healing needed due to past life encounters. Who knows what role you were in or what happened. Just forgive, apologize and move on!

In addition to letting go, continue to reassess your life. Review what works, redo your living space, reactivate your body. Keep eliminating what doesn’t work any more. This makes room for the new to fit in.

It is also important to put together a team that you can work with in the various areas of life, like career, health, knowledge, etc.  The 5th dimensional future is about cooperation and networking so build teams with people you can trust.


Now embrace the changes and re-whatever you need to this month!

Are you being challenged to clear and clean at home? Have your old electronic devices starting to give up the ghost? How is the month’s energy affecting your life?








  1. Carol
    I have often thought of life as a play.
    When someone is killed, she gets back up to play another role. I am at my best when I keep this in mind and take things less seriously. Of course that is not always easy😏.

    Hope all is well with you. We are on the upswing.

  2. La'Tina M Rainwater

    Thank you Carolle for the double post! 🙌💖

    I totally needed to hear this so I don’t continue dought myself and think I’m crazier than normal. Lol I will continue to go with the CHANGE & embrass each opportunity!

    This month so far I have re-organized home & slowly deep cleaning, & work is in the process of being re-organized as well!


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