Something Wicked This Way Comes



You have probably noticed that, so far, this month has been crazy wicked, with multiple energy shifts, with election rhetoric spewing across the airways, with weather changing and/or not changing even though the season is shifting into Fall. Then there are days on overload followed by empty, Maytag repairman-type stretches. Next come the technology failures as old computers and phones get wacked out due to the universal frequency shifting higher.

Welcome to October.

This month is about looking to the future, even if it means separating from former friends or even family in order to find our new 5th dimensional  “tribe’. Now is the time to let go of that job you hate and find something that lets your soul sing! Perhaps it is even time to move to a new location and settle into different energy. And even though we have been clearing emotional blocks for the past several years, there is more coming to the surface.

If you have been actively clearing yourself all along over the past few years, you might find yourself disappointed that the problems seem to keep coming up. However, realize that we are all part of the collective, and that once we heal our own issues, many of us have contracts to help clear that same problem for the collective. Also consider that we can have guides and guardian angel spirit helpers who may have those same things needing to be cleared.

We are all one, part of the divine. For one to truly heal, all must heal.

So as you work on your own healing, check for and let go of any contracts, heart vows, hidden vows or soul programs about personally clearing for the collective. Call in a spiritual team to do that work in your place, then step back and look after yourself as you navigate the ascension frequencies and subsequent body changes and challenges.

October’s To Do List

  1. Stay grounded.
  2. Keep your personal boundaries strong and firm.
  3. Let relationships adjust and align as needed.
  4. Balance all life areas.
  5. Simplify your life.
  6. Clear the clutter.
  7. Welcome change.

Keep your track shoes on as the rest of the month will continue to be wild! With the election coming up in this country, anything can happen thanks to the rhetoric that has been flying. Sit back and be the neutral observer, knowing you can safely ride out the chaos, but also feel free to bring in some angelic helpers to assist this transition.



Are you finding ways to stay happy and healthy during this latest transition? Or are you wanting to exit, to escape the world chaos? (The election doesn’t count as everyone is more than ready for that circus to be over!)

Stay strong, stay calm, and stay in the now, and MAKE AMERICA KIND AGAIN!

Great ayni, Carole

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